Stabilometry Calibrated in a
sitting position
Clinical use. The calibrated Stabilometry
in a sitting position is used in the study of asynclitisms
related to scoliosis, paramorphisms, hypo-hyperkyphosis correctable by raising the buttocks in a
sitting position.
Protocol. The patient is positioned barefoot in a sitting
position on the platform, following the standard indications for positioning
the feet. It must stand still with the upper limbs that have the hands above the
knees, while the shins are at 90 ° with respect to the femurs that are spread
at 30 °. He must be silent and not move for 30 seconds (standard) to OA and
then 30 seconds to OC. At each test, an increase of several mm is placed under
the gluteus or right or left, depending on what has been verified in the
physical examination (asynclitism and hump
Procedures. The indicators used are qualitative and quantitative
and must be compared with the table of main and secondary criteria.
Main: the patient must then report his personal
The secondary ones are:
1. Analysis of loads in Kg
2. Positioning of the pressure center
or Cps with respect to the X / Y axes
3. Track length
4. Width of the underlying area in mm2
Execution times for the exam: from 1 minute (two
steps) to 2 minutes, 2 'and 30 "if 4-5 steps up
Conclusions. Within 30 minutes the operator analyzes the data
(indicators), prints the graphs and concludes, delivering everything to the
patient in a sealed envelope.
The report written and signed by the doctor with the
diagnostic conclusions, prescriptions or therapeutic or clinical in-depth
recommendations (
Instrumental exams can then be repeated for normal
follow-up based on the indicators to be checked over time. If the doctor
prescribes the tests to be repeated on a company request for a check over time