in a sitting position
use. Stabilometry in a sitting position with or without
sequential tests of head-neck (P.seq.CC), is used for the investigation of
vertigo likely to be of cervical origin by researching the positions of the
head in space that trigger the symptomatology. It is
also used for the study of the balance of the trunk in a sitting position in
those patients who present deficits from pathologies of the central or
peripheral nervous system (strokes, ataxias, polyneuropathies,
ALS, multiple sclerosis, etc.)
Protocol. The patient is placed barefoot in a sitting position
on the platform, following the standard instructions for positioning the feet.
It must remain still with the upper limbs with the hands above the knees, while
the tibiae are at 90 ° with respect to the femurs which are spread at 30 °. He
must remain silent and not move for 30 seconds (standard) to OA and then 30
seconds to OC. If the sequential tests of head-neck are carried out (P.seq.CC)
the patient must remain standing for the static tests with the head for 5
seconds in each of the following positions:
• Head in neutral position
• Retroflex head
• Head rotated to the right and left
• Head rotated to the right and left with
• Head tilted to the right and left
For dynamic tests, the patient is invited for 5
seconds for each maneuver to do in sequence:
• Continuous rotation of the right / left head
• Continuous head flexion / extension
• Continuous right / left head inclination.
For Postural Stabilometry at
51.2 seconds the patient should be positioned at OA and OC as per standard stabilometry.
Procedures. The indicator used is unique for sequential
head-of-neck tests:
1. Stabilogram: search for
instability spikes
The standard and postural are used:
3. Subtended area
4. Length of the track
Also here are used normality tables as from
Execution times for the exam: for the standard 1
minute; for the Seq.CC tests 2 minutes. For the Postural 52.1 seconds.
Conclusions. Within 30 minutes the operator analyzes the data
(the indicators), prints the graphs and goes to the end, handing it over to the
patient in a sealed envelope.
The report written and signed by the doctor with the
diagnostic conclusions, the prescriptions or therapeutic recommendations or
in-depth clinical studies (
The instrumental exams can then be repeated for the
normal follow-up based on the indicators to be checked over time. If, by time
control, the same doctor can prescribe the tests to be repeated on the
company's request